Any public waterbody that is within the state or region you registered to compete in and must be larger than 100 acres, be public water open to all and have a public boat landing capable of launching all types of boats. If it is part of a connecting chain of lakes or a river system, the entire chain or river system has to be bigger than 100 acres, not the actual or particular body of water you are fishing on. If it is a boundary water or boarders more than one state, you can fish either side but must have a fishing license for all sides if required by law. If you are fishing a chain of lakes or river system and have to enter a creek, another river or channel to get to another lake, river or body of water that is 100% in another Region than the Region you are registered to participate in, THAT WATER BODY WOULD BE OFF LIMITS.
Shore fishing, wading and banking fishing is not allowed. No fishing within 50 yards of other anglers or any anchored boats, with trolling motor up. No fishing in areas designated off limits by governmental agencies, local or state.
States are combined into Regions.
States have been combined into Regions in an effort to create higher prize payouts for those states. These Regions have fish with similar size structure and numbers of fish as the others, to keep the field fare.