Promote good sportmenship

To protect the integrity of America’s Fishing Tournaments – (AFT) and its anglers, all winners will be REQUIRED to submit to a  truth verification test – polygraph exam before the prizes are distributed for each event.

Truth verification tests or polygraph exams are realistically foolproof and will determine the ultimate decision of the tournament outcome. This does not mean just the 1st place winners, as others that competed in the tournaments could be required to submit to a polygraph test. Some could be other top place finishers and others could be randomly selected from the field.

All participants that are asked to submit to a truth verification or polygraph test have up until two weeks following said event to have this completed. AFT will confirm a location and the closest or best one for the anglers and cover the cost of the polygraph tests.*

If you know ahead of time that you cannot submit to a truth verification or polygraph test after a tournament because of constraints of any kind, you must contact the AFT officials prior to the start of the tournament for approval. The results of said test will be the final decision of the tournament outcome and cannot be protested or contested. If any part or in whole of a team does not pass the polygraph exam, their prizes will be forfeited and all of the standings will move up one place respectfully.

The truth verification & polygraph tests will only pertain to the AFT tournament in question or other AFT tournaments. If any part of a team does not feel they could pass a truth verification or polygraph test for any reason, then they should not register to compete in an AFT tournament. Prizes will not be awarded until polygraph tests are completed.

Any AFT member may be required to submit to a polygraph or truth verification test. Failure or refusal to submit to either of these tests will result in disqualification from this tournament, forfeiture of all prize money and entry fees and will not be eligible to fish in any future AFT tournaments*.  

Any AFT member may be required to submit to a polygraph or truth verification test

Failure or refusal to submit to either of these tests will result in disqualification from this tournament, forfeiture of all prize money and entry fees and will not be eligible to fish in any future AFT tournaments.

*If there are less than 50 boats in a tournament, a portion of the polygraph fee’s will be deducted from the prize pool.

Because of the dollar amounts involved, anyone caught cheating in an AFT tournament will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as a felony.